The Americans With Disabilities Act: Equal Opportunity for Individuals With Disabilities, in Some Large Businesses, in Some Major Cities, Sometimes . . .


  • Eric Allen Harris



On July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. Congress stated that the purpose of the ADA was “to provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities.” The first subchapter (Title I) of the ADA addresses accommodations for the disabled in the field of employment. President Bush attempted to quash “fears that the ADA is too vague or too costly” by stating that the Act struck a careful balance between the rights of individuals with disabilities and the legitimate interests of businesses. In particular, he noted that Title I of the ADA would become effective for employers with twenty-five or more employees on July 26, 1992, with an extension to employers with fifteen or more employees on July 26, 1994, thus permitting employers adequate time to become acquainted with the ADA. But in fact, the exclusion of employers with fewer than fifteen employees requires only a small percentage of the nation’s employers to ever become acquainted with the ADA at all.




How to Cite

Harris, Eric Allen. 2008. “ ”. University of Pittsburgh Law Review 69 (3).


